
The following categorization describe the contents of various Trinux packages and, in many cases, provides links back to the home pages of the original tools. The goal is not to provide a comprehensive database of packages (ala Debian) but to give you a general idea of what the tool/package does so you can decide whether you want to include it in your Trinux "load."

The color (green, orange, red) of the package name rates my confidence in the package. Green packages have been fully tested and integrated into the boot process, while red packages have been tested somewhat (have worked at least once) but have not been fully integrated into the bootup/configuration process. Orange packages are somewhere in between.

Manditory Packages
These package are required to do anything useful. If you do not have them, you will get errors when you try to use the tools.

Optional Libraries
You can probably get by without these, but you may want to included them if you If you install any libraries after system bootup, you will need to run ldconfig. Sniffers and Network Analyzers
These tools put the NIC into the promiscuous mode to capture traffic at the link layer. Sniffing may or may not be legal on your network.Network Mapping/Vulnerability Scanning
The following tools are useful for discovering network and system vulnerabilities. These are active security tools that probe systems and can be easily detected by IDS. Use of these tools may violate your organization's security policy. While none of these tools attempt to exploit vulnerabilities, these tools could crash servers or network devices. Use with caution. Intrusion Detection
The following tools can be used to detect attacks against a Trinux system or monitor a network segment to perform network intrusion detection Packet Generators
These tools can be use to build and send custom TCP/IP packets. While many of these tools have similar (or even overlapping) features, they all have their niche. Proxies and Tunneling Tools
Encryption Packages
The following tools may/may not be legal in your country. See the crypto page for more information on export issues. Miscellaneous Security UtilitiesWeb Utilities
HTTP client and server applications have a history security vulnerabilities. These packages have not been systematically audited for buffer overflows, susceptiblility to DoS attacks. Network UtilitiesScripting Languages
As far as I know, Trinux includes more scripting languages than any other compact linux distribution. You can see why. Text Editors
Disk and Filesystem Tools
For most of these you will need to install the ide.tgz kernel package and filesystem modules from fsmods.tgz Wireless
Kernel Modules
These are packaged version of kernel modules necessary for filesystem or hardware support. Post-0.80 releases support the "getkpg" command. Kernel module packages are found within the directory. Miscellaneous
These don't fit in anywhere else: